Defining a Refined Filter

A refined filter can be specified for an event view by using the Filter function on the event list.

Once you specify a refined filter, the Filter button contains a green check to indicate that a refined filter is in effect. Also, the Save View button/menu selection becomes enabled.


  • You can save a refined filter in one of two ways:
    • Save View- This button/menu selection on the list adds the refined filter to the base filter, creating a new base filter (if there was no base filter defined previously, the refined filter becomes the base filter).
    • Save View As- This allows you to save the view with a new name. The original view is not changed. The new view will have the original base filter (if defined) and the refined filter.

      When you specify a refined filter, then save the view (with either Save View or Save View As), the refined filter is added to the base filter, then removed from the event list. This results in the Save View button being disabled, and the check no longer appears next to the Filter button. So if you open the Filter dialog from the list after saving the view, it will not show a filter. However, if you open the Filter dialog using the view wizard, you will see that the refined filter has been added to the base filter.

      Refined filters are persisted between log outs and application restarts. If you define a refined filter on a list, then either log out or restart the application, the refined filter will still appear when you view the list.