Running TIBCO Universal Installer in GUI Mode

To install ActiveMatrix BPM by making choices in a series of dialog box screens, run TIBCO Universal Installer in GUI mode.


  1. Navigate to the temporary directory containing the extracted ActiveMatrix BPM archive file. (See Downloading ActiveMatrix BPM Software.)
  2. Run TIBCOUniversalInstaller.
    Note: On a Linux system, run TIBCOUniversalInstaller from the command line. Do not double-click the file to run it - doing so may cause a problem if you try to launch TIBCO Configuration Tool after running the installer.
  3. Read through the license agreement, select I accept the terms of the license agreement, and click Next.
  4. Choose a new installation environment (TIBCO_HOME) or an existing installation environment, as described in Deciding Whether to Use a New or Existing Installation Environment:
    • For a new installation environment, select Create a New TIBCO_HOME. Specify the properties:
      Directory The directory into which the product is installed. The directory cannot be the same as the directory of an existing installation environment.

      Accept the default location, type a directory, or click Browse to choose the directory. The directory path cannot contain special characters such as "*", "#", "?", ">", "<", "%", "&", "$", "`" or "|".

      Name Identifies the installation environment. The installer automatically creates a default environment name for the location you specify, which is amx-bpm.

      The name cannot contain special characters such as "*", "?", ">", "<", ":", "|", "/", "\", or quotes (").

    • For an existing installation environment, select Use an Existing TIBCO_HOME. Select the home from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Installation Profile Selection screen, select:
    • Primary machine, if you are installing BPM software on a machine that will (or does already) host an ActiveMatrix Administrator server (whether or not it also hosts any BPM nodes).
    • Remote machine, if you are installing BPM software on a machine that will (or does already) host a BPM node (of any type) but not an ActiveMatrix Administrator server.
  7. In the TIBCO Configuration Directory screen, select the directory where configuration information for this BPM system will be stored (CONFIG_HOME). Make sure that the selected directory is not the configuration directory for another TIBCO installation environment.
    Note: You will now need to accept license agreements for third-party LGPL assemblies that are required by the installer, and make those assemblies available to the installer.
  8. Click Next. An LGPL License Agreement screen appears - this is for Hibernate.
  9. Read the text and click I accept the terms of the license agreement, then click Next. If the Hibernate software assembly is not already in the assemblies subdirectory of your temporary directory, the Download Hibernate screen appears. Choose either:
    • Download Hibernate assembly from TIBCO to let the installer download the Hibernate assembly from TIBCO. Click Next. The installer downloads the assembly to the assemblies subdirectory of the temporary directory containing the extracted ActiveMatrix BPM archive file.
    • Select the Hibernate assembly previously downloaded from TIBCO to select the location of a previously downloaded Hibernate assembly that the installer can use (see Downloading Required Third-Party Software Assemblies). Click Next.
  10. If you are installing on a Linux or Solaris platform, an LGPL License Agreement screen appears - this is for the Eclipse SWT GTK module. Accept the license agreement and download or select the assembly in the same way that you did for Hibernate. (Note that the Download screen refers to the Eclipse GNOME Binding assembly.)
  11. If you are installing on a Windows, Linux or Solaris platform, an LGPL License Agreement screen appears - this is for the Oracle Elliptic Curve Cryptography library. Accept the license agreement and download or select the assembly in the same way that you did for Hibernate.
  12. In the Pre-Install Summary screen, verify the list of products selected for installation, then click Install.
  13. When the Post-Install Summary screen is displayed:
    1. Review the list of products that have been installed.
    2. Select or Clear Launch TIBCO Configuration Tool, as appropriate for your particular installation/upgrade scenario and stage.
    3. Click Finish to complete the installation process and close the installer window.