Creating an Analysis Project with a Business Object Model

You can create an Analysis project with a Business Object Model.


  1. Select File > New > Project.
  2. In the New Project dialog, select Analysis Project , and click Next.
  3. Enter a Project name and click Next.
    Note: This accepts default values for ID, Location, Version, Status and Destination Environments. For more details about these fields and about the New Project dialog, see the TIBCO Business Studio Modeling User’s Guide.
  4. In the Asset Type Selection dialog, you can see that Business Objects is selected. Select any other Asset Types you want to include in your Project. Click Next.
  5. The Business Object Model dialog is displayed. (Depending on what options you selected at the previous dialog, you may see other dialogs first, for example to configure the organization model.)

    By default the Create initial Business Object Model field is checked. Accept this default setting. (If you want to create a Concept Model, select that radio button instead. See Adding a Child Diagram to a Business Object Model for more about concept models.). Click Finish.

  6. If you are not already in the BPM Modeling (or Modeling) perspective, you are prompted to switch to BPM Modeling. Click Yes to switch perspective.
  7. In the Project Explorer you can see that a new Project has been created with a folder for the business object models:


Note: By default, the Business Object Model name is prefixed by the domain name, as set in Window > Preferences > User Profile.