simpleType XmlCandidateChoice
type restriction of xs:string
base xs:string
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration EXISTING
enumeration NON-EXISTING
enumeration ALL
enumeration INVALID
Enumerated value indicating what entries should be included in the result set of a search
            of an LDAP Container's candidate Resources. One of the following:
                - EXISTING: include only entries from which a Resource has already been created.
                - NON-EXISTING: include only entries from which no Resource has yet been created.
                - ALL: include both existing and non-existing candidate Resources.
                - INVALID: include only Resources that exist in BPM but not in LDAP
source <xs:simpleType name="XmlCandidateChoice">
<xs:documentation>Enumerated value indicating what entries should be included in the result set of a search
            of an LDAP Container's candidate Resources. One of the following:
                - EXISTING: include only entries from which a Resource has already been created.
                - NON-EXISTING: include only entries from which no Resource has yet been created.
                - ALL: include both existing and non-existing candidate Resources.
                - INVALID: include only Resources that exist in BPM but not in LDAP
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="EXISTING"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NON-EXISTING"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ALL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="INVALID"/>

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