element listLdapConnections
diagram dir_directoryservice_diagrams/dir_directoryservice_p22.png
namespace http://directory.api.de.bpm.tibco.com
content complex
Request element for the listLdapConnections operation. Gets a list of the LDAP connection shared resources available to Directory Engine.

Those LDAP connection shared resources named with the prefix "ldap/de/" will be included. Each will be
identified by its alias (which is the name minus the "ldap/de/" prefix).
source <xs:element name="listLdapConnections">
<xs:documentation>Request element for the listLdapConnections operation. Gets a list of the LDAP connection shared resources available to Directory Engine.

Those LDAP connection shared resources named with the prefix "ldap/de/" will be included. Each will be
identified by its alias (which is the name minus the "ldap/de/" prefix).

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy