element getProcessInstanceStatusOutput
diagram pm_xsd_diagrams/pm_xsd_p30.png
namespace http://www.tibco.com/bx/2009/management/processManagerType
type pm:ProcessInstance
content complex
children pm:processQName pm:id pm:state pm:startTime pm:completionTime pm:priority pm:waitingWorkCount pm:parentProcessID pm:userID pm:originatorName pm:failedActivityName pm:activityFaultName pm:activityFaultData pm:customAttributes
Response element for getProcessInstanceStatus operation, to summarize the current status of one process instance.

Note that:

-  getProcessInstanceStatus is a convenience operation. It is possible to obtain the same data by calling queryProcessInstances with more complex inputs.

- The ProcessInstance type is re-used. Some elements (namely, customAttributes) would never contain any data when returned in a getProcessInstanceStatus call.
source <xsd:element name="getProcessInstanceStatusOutput" type="pm:ProcessInstance">
<xsd:documentation>Response element for getProcessInstanceStatus operation, to summarize the current status of one process instance.

Note that:

-  getProcessInstanceStatus is a convenience operation. It is possible to obtain the same data by calling queryProcessInstances with more complex inputs.

- The ProcessInstance type is re-used. Some elements (namely, customAttributes) would never contain any data when returned in a getProcessInstanceStatus call.

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy