porttype AdminService
Provides administrative services for Directory Engine.
This service deletes references to non-existent org-model entities. Such references are normally the result of the org-model getting out of sync due to administrator intervention. The response return the GUIDs of those org-model entities that no longer exist but are identified by association records within the database. Those 'orphan' references will have been deleted.
used by 
binding AdminService_EP
<wsdl:portType name="AdminService">
  <wsdl:documentation>Provides administrative services for Directory Engine.</wsdl:documentation>
  <wsdl:operation name="deleteOrphanReferences">
    <wsdl:documentation>This service deletes references to non-existent org-model entities. Such references are normally the result of the org-model getting out of sync due to administrator intervention.
The response return the GUIDs of those org-model entities that no longer exist but are identified by association records within the database. Those 'orphan' references will have been deleted.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:input name="deleteOrphanReferencesRequest" message="impl:deleteOrphanReferencesRequest"/>
    <wsdl:output name="deleteOrphanReferencesResponse" message="impl:deleteOrphanReferencesResponse"/>
    <wsdl:fault name="DirectoryEngineFault" message="impl:DirectoryEngineFault"/>
    <wsdl:fault name="SecurityFault" message="impl:securityFault"/>

WSDL documentation generated by XMLSpy WSDL Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy