complexType FilterAttributes
diagram ec_wsdl_diagrams/ec_wsdl_p1487.png
children filterAttribute
used by
elements FilterAttributes BaseChartQuery/filterAttributes
Additional attributes to be filtered on for a Chart Query.  These attributes should be considered as part of the filter string, but supplied in Name/Value pairs instead of ECQL.

The overall filter used for the Chart will be the filter string <AND> each of the filter attributes
source <xs:complexType name="FilterAttributes">
<xs:documentation>Additional attributes to be filtered on for a Chart Query.  These attributes should be considered as part of the filter string, but supplied in Name/Value pairs instead of ECQL.

The overall filter used for the Chart will be the filter string &lt;AND&gt; each of the filter attributes
<xs:element name="filterAttribute" type="FilterAttribute" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

element FilterAttributes/filterAttribute
diagram ec_wsdl_diagrams/ec_wsdl_p1488.png
type FilterAttribute
minOcc 1
maxOcc unbounded
content complex
children name data
source <xs:element name="filterAttribute" type="FilterAttribute" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

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