cancelProcessInstance Cancel a specific process instance.
input | tns:cancelProcessInstanceRequest Request message (uses pm:processID element): Specifies the unique ID of the process instance that is to be cancelled.
| output | tns:successMessage Response message (uses pm:success element): Indicates that the process instance has been successfully cancelled.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The specified process could not be be cancelled because it is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
cancelProcessInstances Cancel all process instances for one or more process templates.
input | tns:cancelProcessInstancesRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedProcessName element): Specifies the process templates for which instances are to be cancelled.
| output | tns:cancelProcessInstancesResponse Response message (uses pm:itemCount element): Returns a count of the number of process instances that have been cancelled.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The process instances could not be be cancelled because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
createProcessInstance Create a process instance using a starter operation. (See also: listStarterOperations and getStarterOperationInfo.)
input | tns:createProcessInstanceRequest Request message (uses pm:createProcessInstanceInput element): Specifies the starter operation and its associated parameter values that should be used to create the process instance.
| output | tns:createProcessInstanceResponse Response message (uses pm:processID element): Returns the unique ID of the newly created process instance.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
dispatchSignal Dispatch a global signal.
getActivityInstanceStatus Get the status of an activity for a particular process instance.
input | tns:getActivityInstanceStatusRequest Request message (uses pm:getActivityInstanceStatusInput element): Specifies the activity and process instance for which the status should be returned.
| output | tns:getActivityInstanceStatusResponse Response message (uses pm:activityInstanceStatus element): Contains the status information for the specified activity.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The activity status could not be be returned because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
getAvailableProcessInstanceVariables Get the details for all variables (or for a specific variable) that are available to the failed activity for a particular halted process instance.
input | tns:getAvailableProcessInstanceVariablesRequest Request message (uses pm:getAvailableProcessInstanceVariablesRequest element): Specifies the process instance and (optionally) a variable name for which data should be returned.
| output | tns:getAvailableProcessInstanceVariablesResponse Response message (uses pm:availableProcessInstanceVariables element): Contains the details for the specified variable (or for all variables) available to the failed activity on the specified process instance.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
getParameterValue Get the value of a specific parameter for a particular process instance.
input | tns:getParameterValueRequest Request message (uses pm:getParameterValueInput element): Specifies the process instance and (optionally) the variable name for which details should be returned.
| output | tns:getParameterValueResponse Response message (uses pm:getParameterValueOutput element): Contains the value of the specified parameter.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
getProcessInstanceStatus Get the status of a particular process instance.
input | tns:getProcessInstanceStatusRequest Request message (uses pm:processID element): Specifies the ID of the process instance for which status information should be listed.
| output | tns:getProcessInstanceStatusResponse Response message (uses pm:getProcessInstanceStatusOutput element): Lists the status of the specified process instance.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
getProcessInstanceSummary Get a full summary report on a specific process instance. (This operation is most useful for debugging.)
input | tns:getProcessInstanceSummaryRequest Request message (uses pm:processID element): Specifies the ID of the process instance for which summary information should be listed.
| output | tns:getProcessInstanceSummaryResponse Response message (uses pm:processInstanceSummary element): Lists (in a formatted string) all information relevant to the specified process instance, including a snapshot of all process variables' values.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
getStarterOperationInfo List the parameter details for a particular starter operation. (See also: listStarterOperations and createProcessInstance.)
input | tns:getStarterOperationInfoRequest Request message (uses pm:starterOperation element): Specifies the starter operation for which parameter details should be listed.
| output | tns:getStarterOperationInfoResponse Response message (uses pm:operationInfo element): Lists the details of the of the specified starter operation's parameters.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
ignoreProcessInstance Resume execution of a process instance that is in a HALTED state as a result of an activity failure. Execution continues as if the failed activity had successfully completed.
input | tns:ignoreProcessInstanceRequest Request message (uses pm:processID element): Specifies the unique ID of the process instance that is to be resumed.
| output | tns:successMessage Response message (uses pm:success element): Indicates that the process instance has been successfully resumed.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
ignoreProcessInstances Ignore failed activities and resume the execution of all HALTED process instances for one or more process templates. Execution continues as if the failed activities had successfully completed.
input | tns:ignoreProcessInstancesRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedProcessName element): Specifies the process template(s) for which instances are to be resumed.
| output | tns:ignoreProcessInstancesResponse Response message (uses pm:itemCount element): Returns a count of the number of process instances that have been resumed.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
listProcessInstanceAttributes List process instance attributes for one or more process templates. (These attributes can be used in process instance queries - see queryProcessInstances.)
input | tns:listProcessInstanceAttributesRequest Request message (uses pm:listProcessInstanceAttributesInput element): Specifies the criteria to be used to identify the process templates for which process instance attributes are to be listed.
| output | tns:listProcessInstanceAttributesResponse Response message (uses pm:instanceAttributes element): Lists details of the process instance attributes associated with the process template specified in the request.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
listSetofProcessInstanceAttributes List process instance attributes for a set of process templates. (These attributes can be used in process instance queries - see queryProcessInstances.)
input | tns:listSetofProcessInstanceAttributesRequest Request message (uses pm:listSetofProcessInstanceAttributesInput element): Specifies the process templates for which process instance attributes are to be listed.
| output | tns:listProcessInstanceAttributesResponse Response message (uses pm:instanceAttributes element): Lists details of the process instance attributes associated with the process templates specified in the request.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
listProcessInstances List process instances for one or more process templates. This is a convenience operation: queryProcessInstances can return the same information, but requires more input.
input | tns:listProcessInstancesRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedProcessName element): Specifies the process templates for which process instances are to be listed.
| output | tns:listProcessInstancesResponse Response message (uses pm:processInstances element): Lists the process instances that exist for the specified process template.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
listProcessTemplateAttributes List process template attributes. These attributes, which are pre-defined variables and are the same for all process templates, can be used in query for process templates - see queryProcessTemplates
input | tns:listProcessTemplateAttributesRequest Request message (uses pm:listProcessTemplateAttributesInput element): Specifies any filter criteria to be used, to list only filterable, sortable or displayable attributes.
| output | tns:listProcessTemplateAttributesResponse Response message (uses pm:templateAttributes element): Lists all process template attributes (as name/type pairs) that match the specified filter.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
listProcessTemplates List process templates that match the input criteria. This is a convenience operation: queryProcessTemplates can return the same information, but requires more input.
input | tns:listProcessTemplatesRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedProcessName element): Specifies the search criteria for which matching process templates should be listed.
| output | tns:listProcessTemplatesResponse Response message (uses pm:basicProcessTemplates element): List process templates that match the specified criteria.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
listStarterOperations List available starter operations for one or more process templates. See also createProcessInstance.
input | tns:listStarterOperationsRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedProcessName element): Specifies the process templates for which starter operations are to be listed.
| output | tns:listStarterOperationsResponse Response message (uses pm:starterOperations element): Lists all starter operations defined for the specified process templates.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
purgeTerminatedProcessInstances Perform the purge immediately on the process instances with terminal states that correspond to one or more of the specified tagged process templates. There can only be one outstanding abhoc purge job at one time.
input | tns:purgeTerminatedProcessInstancesRequest Request message (uses pm:purgeTerminatedProcessInstancesRequest element): Specifies the criteria and process templates/applications for which process instances are to be purged.
| output | tns:purgeTerminatedProcessInstancesResponse Response message (uses pm:purgeTerminatedProcessInstancesResponse element): Returns the status of the purge operation.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
listAdhocActivities list Adhoc activities that correspond to a process id or a global data reference.
input | tns:listAdhocActivitiesRequest Request message (uses pm:listAdhocActivitiesRequest element): Specifies the criteria for listing the adhoc activities
| output | tns:listAdhocActivitiesResponse Response message (uses pm:listAdhocActivitiesResponse element): Returns the list of adhoc activities.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
runAdhocActivity run Adhoc activity that correspond to a process id and activity name.
input | tns:runAdhocActivityRequest Request message (uses pm:runAdhocActivityRequest element): Specifies the criteria for executing the adhoc activity
| output | tns:runAdhocActivityResponse Response message (uses pm:runAdhocActivityResponse element): Returns the status.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
cancelAdhocActivity cancel Adhoc activity that correspond to a process id and activity name.
input | tns:cancelAdhocActivityRequest Request message (uses pm:cancelAdhocActivityRequest element): Specifies the criteria for cancelling the execution of the adhoc activity
| output | tns:cancelAdhocActivityResponse Response message (uses pm:cancelAdhocActivityResponse element): Returns the status.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
bulkCancelProcessInstances cancel process instances by specifying a list of process instances or database id(pvm internal id)
input | tns:bulkCancelProcessInstancesRequest Request message (uses pm:bulkCancelProcessInstancesRequest element): specifying a list of process instances or database id(pvm internal id)
| output | tns:bulkCancelProcessInstancesResponse Response message (uses pm:bulkCancelProcessInstancesResponse element): Returns the status of the cancel operation.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
queryDone Release all resources associated with a particular paged result set. An application must call this operation whenever it has finished with a particular paged result set.
input | tns:queryDoneRequest Request message (uses pm:pagingID element): Specifies the paging ID of the result set which is no longer required.
| output | tns:successMessage Response message (uses pm:success element): Indicates that the resources associated with the specified result set have been successfully released.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
queryFirstPage List the first page of data from the result set of a particular query operation.
input | tns:queryFirstPageRequest Request message (uses pm:pagingID element): Specifies the paging ID of the result set for which the first page of data should be listed.
| output | tns:queryFirstPageResponse Response message (uses pm:page element): Contains a page of data, which will be a list of either process templates or process instances, depending on the originating call.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
queryLastPage List the last page of data from the result set of a particular query operation.
input | tns:queryLastPageRequest Request message (uses pm:pagingID element): Specifies the paging ID of the result set for which the last page of data should be listed.
| output | tns:queryLastPageResponse Response message (uses pm:page element): Contains a page of data, which will be a list of either process templates or process instances, depending on the originating call.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
queryNextPage List the next page of data from the result set of a particular query operation.
input | tns:queryNextPageRequest Request message (uses pm:pagingID element): Specifies the paging ID of the result set for which the next page of data should be listed.
| output | tns:queryNextPageResponse Response message (uses pm:page element): Contains a page of data, which will be a list of either process templates or process instances, depending on the originating call.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
queryPreviousPage List the previous page of data from the result set of a particular query operation.
input | tns:queryPreviousPageRequest Request message (uses pm:pagingID element): Specifies the paging ID of the result set for which the previous page of data should be listed.
| output | tns:queryPreviousPageResponse Response message (uses pm:page element): Contains a page of data, which will be a list of either process templates or process instances, depending on the originating call.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
queryProcessInstanceCount Count the number of process instances that match certain criteria.
input | tns:queryProcessInstanceCountRequest Request message (uses pm:queryString element): Specifies a SQL query that defines the search criteria.
| output | tns:queryProcessInstanceCountResponse Response message (uses pm:itemCount element): Returns the the number of process instances that match the specified criteria.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
queryProcessInstanceCountAlt Count the number of process instances that match certain criteria.
input | tns:queryProcessInstanceCountAltRequest Request message (uses pm:queryString element): Specifies a SQL query that defines the search criteria.
| output | tns:queryProcessInstanceCountResponse Response message (uses pm:itemCount element): Returns the the number of process instances that match the specified criteria.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
queryProcessInstances List process instances that match certain criteria.
input | tns:queryProcessInstancesRequest Request message (uses pm:queryProcessInstancesInput element): Specifies a SQL query that defines the search criteria.
| output | tns:queryProcessInstancesResponse Response message (uses pm:queryProcessInstancesOutput element): Lists the process instances that match the specified criteria, either as a complete list or as the first page of a paged list (in which case a paging ID is also returned).
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
queryProcessInstancesAlt List process instances that match certain criteria. (This is a variation of queryProcessInstances in which the query string is divided into its constituent parts.)
input | tns:queryProcessInstancesAltRequest Request message (uses pm:queryProcessInstancesAltInput element): Specifies a SQL query that defines the search criteria.
| output | tns:queryProcessInstancesAltResponse Response message (uses pm:queryProcessInstancesOutput element): Lists the process instances that match the specified criteria, either as a complete list or as the first page of a paged list (in which case a paging ID is also returned).
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
queryHaltedProcessInstances List halted process instances that match certain criteria.
input | tns:queryProcessInstancesRequest Request message (uses pm:queryProcessInstancesInput element): Specifies a SQL query that defines the search criteria.
| output | tns:queryProcessInstancesResponse Response message (uses pm:queryProcessInstancesOutput element): Lists the process instances that match the specified criteria, either as a complete list or as the first page of a paged list (in which case a paging ID is also returned).
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
queryProcessTemplateCount Count the number of process templates that match certain criteria.
input | tns:queryProcessTemplateCountRequest Request message (uses pm:queryString element): Specifies a SQL query that defines the search criteria.
| output | tns:queryProcessTemplateCountResponse Response message (uses pm:itemCount element): Returns the the number of process templates that match the specified criteria.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
queryProcessTemplates List process templates that match certain criteria.
input | tns:queryProcessTemplatesRequest Request message (uses pm:queryProcessTemplatesInput element): Specifies a SQL query that defines the search criteria.
| output | tns:queryProcessTemplatesResponse Response message (uses pm:queryProcessTemplatesOutput element): Lists the process templates that match the specified criteria, either as a complete list or as the first page of a paged list (in which case a paging ID is also returned).
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
queryProcessTemplatesAlt List process templates that match certain criteria. (This is a variation of queryProcessTemplates in which the query string is divided into its constituent parts.)
input | tns:queryProcessTemplatesAltRequest Request message (uses pm:queryProcessTemplatesAltInput element): Specifies a SQL query that defines the search criteria.
| output | tns:queryProcessTemplatesAltResponse Response message (uses pm:queryProcessTemplatesOutput element): Lists the process templates that match the specified criteria, either as a complete list or as the first page of a paged list (in which case a paging ID is also returned).
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
resumeHaltedProcessInstance Resume a process instance that is in a HALTED state as a result of an activity failure.
input | tns:resumeHaltedProcessInstanceRequest Request message (uses pm:processID element): Specifies the unique ID of the process instance that is to be resumed.
| output | tns:successMessage Response message (uses pm:success element): Indicates that the process instance has been successfully resumed.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
resumeHaltedProcessInstances Resumes all halted process instances for one or more process templates.
input | tns:resumeHaltedProcessInstancesRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedProcessName element): Specifies the process templates for which instances are to be resumed.
| output | tns:resumeHaltedProcessInstancesResponse Response message (uses pm:itemCount element): Returns a count of the number of process instances that have been resumed.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
resumeProcessInstance Resume a previously suspended process instance. See also: suspendProcessInstance and suspendProcessInstances.
input | tns:resumeProcessInstanceRequest Request message (uses pm:processID element): Specifies the unique ID of the process instance that is to be resumed.
| output | tns:successMessage Response message (uses pm:success element): Indicates that the process instance has been successfully resumed.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
resumeProcessInstances Resume all process instances for one or more process templates. See also: suspendProcessInstance and suspendProcessInstances.
input | tns:resumeProcessInstancesRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedProcessName element): Specifies the process templates for which instances are to be resumed.
| output | tns:resumeProcessInstancesResponse Response message (uses pm:itemCount element): Returns a count of the number of process instances that have been resumed.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
retryProcessInstance Retry a process instance that is in a HALTED state as a result of an activity failure.
input | tns:retryProcessInstanceRequest Request message (uses pm:processID element): Specifies the unique ID of the process instance that is to be retried.
| output | tns:successMessage Response message (uses pm:success element): Indicates that the process instance has been successfully retried.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
retryProcessInstances Retry all halted process instances for one or more process templates.
input | tns:retryProcessInstancesRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedProcessName element): Specifies the process templates for which instances are to be retried.
| output | tns:retryProcessInstancesResponse Response message (uses pm:itemCount element): Returns a count of the number of process instances that have been retried.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
setAvailableProcessInstanceVariables Set the value of one or more variables that are available to the failed activity for a particular halted process instance.
input | tns:setAvailableProcessInstanceVariablesRequest Request message (uses pm:setAvailableProcessInstanceVariablesInput element): Specifies the process instance for which variable values are to be set, and name/value pairs of one or more variables.
| output | tns:successMessage Response message (uses pm:success element): Indicates that the specified variable values have been successfully set.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
setDeadlineExpiration Set/Change the deadline value for an activity.
input | tns:setDeadlineExpirationRequest Request message (uses pm:setDeadlineExpirationInput element): Specifiies the activity for which the deadline value is to be set and the deadline value.
| output | tns:successMessage Response message (uses pm:success element): Indicates that the specified deadline has been successfully set.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
setPriority Change the scheduling priority for execution of a process instance.
input | tns:setPriorityRequest Request message (uses pm:setPriorityInput element): Specifies the process instance for which the priority is to be set and the priority level.
| output | tns:successMessage Response message (uses pm:success element): Indicates that the specified priority has been successfully set.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
suspendProcessInstance Suspend a process instance from being scheduled for execution. See also resumeProcessInstance and resumeProcessInstances.
input | tns:suspendProcessInstanceRequest Request message (uses pm:processID element): Specifies the unique ID of the process instance that is to be suspended.
| output | tns:successMessage Response message (uses pm:success element): Indicates that the process instance has been successfully suspended.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
suspendProcessInstances Suspend all process instances for one or more process templates from being scheduled for execution. See also: resumeProcessInstance and resumeProcessInstances.
input | tns:suspendProcessInstancesRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedProcessName element): Specifies the process templates for which instances are to be suspended.
| output | tns:suspendProcessInstancesResponse Response message (uses pm:itemCount element): Returns a count of the number of process instances that have been suspended.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
getMigrationPoints List the permissible process instance migration points for one or more process templates. (Migration points are the points in the process from which a process instance can be migrated to a different version.)
input | tns:getMigrationPointsRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedProcessName element): Specifies the process templates for which process instance migration points are to be listed.
| output | tns:getMigrationPointsResponse Response message (uses pm:migrationPoints element): Lists the valid process instance migration points for the specified process templates.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
setMigrationRules Set one or more process instance migration rules. (Each migration rule consists of a unique set of module name, module version from which to migrate, process template name, task name from which to migrate, and module version to which to migrate.)
input | tns:setMigrationRulesRequest Request message (uses pm:MigrationRules element): Specifies the process instance migration rules that are to be set.
| output | tns:successMessage Response message (uses pm:success element): Returns whether the specified process instance migration rules have been successfully set.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
unsetMigrationRules Unset one or more currently set process instance migration rules.
input | tns:unsetMigrationRulesRequest Request message (uses pm:MigrationRules element): Specifies the process instance migration rules that are to be unset.
| output | tns:successMessage Response message (uses pm:success element): Returns whether the specified process instance migration rules have been successfully unset.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
clearMigrationRules Clear all currently set process instance migration rules for one or more process templates.
input | tns:clearMigrationRulesRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedProcessName element): Specifies the process templates for which process instance migration rules are to be cleared.
| output | tns:successMessage Response message (uses pm:success element): Returns whether all process instance migration rules have been successfully unset for the specified process templates.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
isSetMigrationRule Test whether any process instance migration rules are set for a particular qualified task name.
input | tns:isSetMigrationRuleRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedTaskName element): Specifies the qualified task name that is to be tested. (The qualified task name includes the task name and its parent process template, module and template/module version).
| output | tns:isSetMessage Response message (uses pm:isSet element): Returns whether any process instance migration rules are currently set for the specified qualified task name.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
listMigrationRules List the process instance migration rules that are set for one or more process templates.
input | tns:listMigrationRulesRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedProcessName element): Specifies the process templates for which process instance migration rules are to be listed.
| output | tns:listMigrationRulesResponse Response message (uses pm:migrationRuleList element): Lists the process instance migration rules that are set for the specified process templates.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
decodeProcessId Decodes the process (PVM) ID to its internal PVM database representation.
input | tns:decodeProcessIdRequest Request message (uses pm:processID element): Specifies the unique ID of the process instance for which the process ID is being decoded.
| output | tns:decodeProcessIdResponse Response message (uses pm:processInternalId element): Returns the internal identification information for the specified process ID.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:illegalStateFault Error message (uses pm:illegalStateFault element): The requested operation could not be be performed because the target is not in the correct state. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
saveTerminatedProcessInstances Allow process template(s) to be tagged as one to be auto purged or as one NOT to be auto purged. If process template(s) are tagged to be auto-purge, it means the corresponding process instances are eligible to be purge when they reach a terminal state.
queryApplications return all process template(s) belonging to the specified set of application(s)
stopPurgeTerminatedProcessInstances Stops the purge job started with purgeTerminatedProcessInstances.
checkPurgeTerminatedProcessInstances Checks the status of a purge job started with purgeTerminatedProcessInstances.
purgeProcessInstances **PRIVATE API - Reserved for internal use**
input | tns:purgeProcessInstancesRequest Request message (uses pm:qualifiedProcessName element): Specifies the process templates for which process instances are to be deleted.
| output | tns:purgeProcessInstancesResponse Response message (uses pm:itemCount element): Returns the number of deleted process instances.
| fault | tns:illegalArgumentFault Error message (uses pm:illegalArgumentFault element): The request failed because a required parameter in the request message was either invalid or missing. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
| fault | tns:operationFailedFault Error message (uses pm:operationFailedFault element): The operation failed. (The "reason" element provides more information about the error.)
replaceUser accepts a list of process ids or an user name as input, and use the Subject on this request to replace the Subject associated with each of the referenced process instances or user