Mediation Context Parameters

Mediation context parameter is available for the input direction only and provides functionality for security context.

The mediation component in the Composite Editor does not use these parameters. The values for these parameters are automatically passed to the mediation component and require no additional configuration.

Security Context

When a parameter of type Mediation and definition mechanism Security Context is added to the interface, the security context and the SAML assertion data is available for security context-based routing, transformations, or to log security context data.

The following figure show a simple mapping of the SAML assertion data:

Endpoint Reference

A parameter of type Mediation and definition mechanism Endpoint Reference provides access to the endpoint reference schema for the mediation interface.

The Set Dynamic Reference task is used to provide the endpoint reference to the target invocation. The following screen shows one such mapping between the context parameters of the service and the reference.

The Endpoint Reference Mechanism of the Set Dynamic Reference task is set to WS-A Endpoint Reference. See Set Dynamic Reference.

Request Message Context

Provides access to the CorrelationID, ContextID, and ParentContextID parameters.