Attaching a Debugger to a Running Application

You can attach a debugger to a running application and examine the debug configuration that the debugger creates.

Do not attach a debugger to more than one application running on the same node because they will interfere with each other. To debug multiple applications on the same node, create a remote debug configuration and add multiple applications in the Remote Applications tab.

Only one debugger can be attached to an application. The launch configuration tests to see if there is a conflict and if so will display an error. If multiple users try to attach to applications on the same node, the connection will fail.


  1. In the Administrator Explorer View, expand the nodes of the Administrator server that manages the application.
  2. Right-click the application and select Attach Debugger

    The debugger is attached to the running process and a debug configuration is created if one did not already exist. In the Debug perspective, the Debug view displays the attached debuggers.