Qualifier Replacement

If the qualifier component of a version is set to "qualifier" when you create a DAA, TIBCO Business Studio replaces the string "qualifier" with a generated qualifier that defaults to a timestamp. You can replace the qualifier if you use the proper format.

Qualifier strings must sort in increasing order. If you upload a DAA or deploy an application containing an object whose version is older than one currently available in the Administrator software repository, the upload or deployment operation will fail.

Qualifier Replacement Templates

A qualifier string can be a string such as "001" or be generated according to a qualifier replacement template. A qualifier replacement template specifies the formatting of the qualifier string. The default qualifier replacement template is a timestamp of format 'v'yyyy-MM-DD-HHmm, which yields a string such as v2011-07-27-1010. The basic qualifier replacement template formatting options are:

  • yyyy - year
  • MM - month
  • dd - day of the month
  • HH - hour of the day (0-23)
  • mm - minute
  • ss - second

The full set of timestamp formatting options are specified by the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class.

To append text after the timestamp, specify a dash and the text enclosed in single quotes. For example, 'v'yyyy-MM-DD-HHmm-'dev' yields the string v2011-07-27-1010-dev. To append a username or hostname, specify ${user}' and '${host}' respectively. For example, 'v'yyyy-MM-DD-HHmm-'dev'-'${user}' yields v2011-07-27-1010-username. '${host}' is substituted by your hostname or localhost if it cannot be determined.