Reference Reference

General Tab

WSDL Interface
Field Description
Name The name of the reference.

Default: Referencen, where n is an integer.

Port Type The port type of the reference.
WSDL Location The location of the WSDL file that defines the port type. Read-only.
Context Parameters
Column Description
Name The name of the context parameter.
Operations The operations in the port type of the service or reference to which the parameter applies.
Direction The direction of the message to which the parameter applies: Input, Output, Fault. If Fault, the list of fault messages.
Type The type of the parameter:
  • Basic - a basic property.
  • Message - a message associated with the binding. The binding cannot reference a message used by an operation in the port type.
  • Bag - a collection of properties.
  • Basic - the definition of the property. If the Direction is Input or Output, one of string, int, long, or boolean. If the Direction is Fault, one of string, int, long, boolean, QName, or URI.
  • Message - the definition of the message, consisting of a message and a message part.
Field Description
Wired by Implementation Indicate that the implementation will dynamically wire the reference to a service when the component runs.

Default: False.

Conversational Indicate that there is a sequence of operations in the port type that must be called in order to achieve some higher level goal. Supported only when WS-Reliable Messaging is enabled for a SOAP binding.

Default: False.

End Operation The operation that signifies the end of the conversation. Enabled when Conversational is checked.

Policies Tab

Policy Management

Appearance Tab

Field Description
Fonts and Colors Specifies the font and color.
Lines and Arrows Specifies the style of lines and arrows.
Gradient Specifies the color gradient.