Applying a Logging Configuration

You can apply a logging configuration from the GUI or from the CLI.



  1. Select the object for which logging is being configured.
  2. Navigate to a logging configurations list and click a logging configuration.
  3. Click Apply.


The logging configuration is propagated to the object.



  1. In the data file specify an Logger definition in full format.
    In the following example, the Node element contains a logging configuration for a node named admin01-node. The logging configuration named com.tibco specifies an appender that logs all Debug, Info, Warn, Error and Fatal events to a file specified in the logging appender named node_file. The log messages are passed to the root parent logging configuration.
    <Node xsi:type="amxdata:Node" name="admin01-node">
     <Logger xsi:type="amxdata:Logger" name="com.tibco" additivity="true">
      <AppenderRef xsi:type="amxdata:AppenderRef" effectiveLevel="DEBUG">
       <Appender xsi:type="amxdata_reference:LogAppender_reference" name="node_file"/>
  2. Create a build file. In the AMXAdminTask element set the action attribute to deploy or deployLog and the objectSelector attribute to Environment/Object, where Object is the object for which logging is being configured.
  3. Invoke the command-line interface on the build file.
    The logging configuration is propagated to the object.