Static and Dynamic Wiring

The connection between a service and a reference is called a wire. A wire can be static or dynamic

The following illustration shows the two types of wiring.
Static and Dynamic Wiring
A static wire is explicitly specified in a composite. A reference can be statically wired to at most one service. A dynamic wire is created by the component invoking the reference. A reference can be dynamically wired to many services. Dynamic wiring is useful in circumstances where the target service of a reference is not known until runtime. For example, a target service could be invoked based on the zip code from which a request originates.

Dynamic wiring is supported by Virtualization and SOAP (SOAP/HTTP and SOAP/JMS) bindings and Mediation, Java, Spring, and WebApp components. When using dynamic wiring, both the component and promoted reference must be configured to use dynamic wiring. The target service is identified by the component implementation that invokes the reference. Depending on the component type, the component implementation can identify the target service either by providing the application and service name or by providing the URI of the service. For further information, see the specific component development manuals.