Setting a Property Value

You can set a property value in the GUI or by using the CLI. You can set a property value to a constant, a substitution variable, or the name of a resource instance available on the node on which an application is deployed.

To bind a property value to a substitution variable, you can set the value to %%variableName%%, wherevariableName is the name of the substitution variable.



  1. Select the node where the application is deployed.
  2. Click Applications and select an application.
  3. Click the Properties tab and click the Editable Properties link.
  4. Click the plus () next to a property owner.
    The owner's properties and their associated values display.
  5. Click a property row in the Value column.
    The value is enabled for input.
  6. Specify a value according to the property type.
    Property Type Procedure
    Simple Type a value or substitution variable string.
    Resource Instance You can specify a resource instance in several different ways.
    • Type a value or substitution variable string.
    • Select an existing resource instance.
      1. Click the icon. The Lookup Resource Instance dialog displays.
        1. In the Hosts column, choose a node.
        2. In the Instances column, choose a resource instance.
        3. Click Save.
    • Create a new resource template.
      1. Click the new link. The Add Resource Template dialog displays.
      2. Complete the dialog and click Save. The property value is filled in with the name of the resource template.
        Note: When you create and install a resource instance of a referencing resource template, a resource instance with the same name as the referenced resource template is instantiated and installed on the same node. For example, if you create and install an SSL Client Provider resource instance, the Keystore Provider it references will be created and installed.
  7. Click Save.
    The property value is updated in the database.
  8. Click Refresh.
    The value in the Synchronization column changes to Out of Sync.
  9. Click Deploy.
    The property value is updated in the runtime and the Synchronization column changes to In Sync.



  1. In the data file specify a Property definition in full format. Nest the Property element under an Application element.
    <Property xsi:type="amxdata:Property" name="propertyName" value="propertyValue"/>
  2. In the build file set the action attribute of the AMXAdminTask element to edit and the objectSelector attribute to //Application/Property.
    <AMXAdminTask action="edit" objectSelector="//Application/Property"/>
  3. Invoke the command-line interface on the build file.