Generating a Concrete WSDL File


  1. Click a promoted service.
  2. In the Properties view, click the Bindings tab.
  3. Click the endpoint node of a SOAP binding.
  4. In the Endpoint area on the right, click the Generate WSDL link.
    The WSDL Generation dialog displays.
  5. In the Enter or select the parent folder field, accept the default folder or select a new one.
  6. In the File name field, accept the default name (abstractWSDLFilename_gen.wsdl) or type a new one.
  7. Click Next >.
    The Concrete WSDL Settings screen displays. The configuration fields depend on the value selected in the endpoint's Transport Type drop-down list.
  8. Accept the default values of the transport properties or type new ones and click Finish.
    A concrete WSDL file is generated in the parent folder and the file is opened in the WSDL file editor.