Assigning Superuser Privileges

Users with appropriate permissions can assign superuser privileges to existing users.



The user must already exist in the authentication realm.


  1. Select Governance > Users & Groups and click the Users tab.
  2. Click Superusers.
    The Superusers dialog displays.
  3. Click Add Users.
    The Add Superusers dialog displays.
  4. Click users in the list on the left.
    • Click .
    • Holding the left mouse button down, drag to the list on the right, and release the button.
    The user is added to the list on the right.
  5. Click Save.
    The user is added to the list of superusers.



  1. In the data file specify a ListOfSuperUser definition in full format.
    <ListOfSuperUser xsi:type="amxdata_base:ListOfSuperUser">
      <superUser username="linda"/>
      <superUser username="tom"/>
  2. In the build file set the action attribute of the AMXAdminTask element to add and the objectSelector attribute to ListOfSuperUser.
  3. Invoke the command-line interface on the build file.