Payload Service Properties Reference

You can view the payloads properties from the Applications tab. choose the payload service application and navigate to the Properties tab.

The following table lists the properties defined for a payload service. For information on modifying the properties see the Setting a Property Value section.

Name Type Description
serverType string If the value of this property is db, the payload data will stored in a database, otherwise the payload data is stored in the file specified by the fileRootDir property.
teneoSessionFactory Teneo Name of the Teneo resource instance to which payload entries are stored.
fileRootDir string Path to the file where the payload data is stored.
contextRoot string Value must be set to payload.
defaultConnector string Name of the HTTP Connector used by the Log Viewer. Must be set to the same value as the HttpInboundConnectionConfig
jmsConnFactory JMS Connection JMS Connection Factory resource instance that represents the Enterprise Message Service server that receives log events.
jmsDest JMS Queue JMS Destination resource instance that represents the JMS queue to which the log events are sent.


HTTP Connector Name of the HTTP Connector resource instance used by the payload service.