Accessing Task Input/Output Schema

To access the input or output element declaration at runtime, you must initialize a mediation task report object MediationTaskNameReport. This object has the accessor methods to get the input or the output element declaration as XSDElementDeclaration.

The following code shows how to get the input or the output element schemas:

public void init() throws TaskLifeCycleFault { }

public void destroy() throws TaskLifeCycleFault { }
public N execute(final N input, final Exchange<N> exchange)
  throws TaskFault {
  <TaskName>MediationTask task =    this.getContext().getTaskConfiguration();
  TaskName>MediationTaskReport report = new   <TaskName>MediationTaskReport(task);

/Task input type as schema element declaration
  XSDElementDeclaration inputType = report.getCustomInputType();

//Task output type as schema element declaration
  XSDElementDeclaration outputType = report.getCustomOutputType();

  return exchange.getMessageData();
Note: The return type of the execute method in a custom mediation task’s runtime class that extends MediationTaskRT must be an instance of the output schema defined for the task. If no output schema is defined, output defaults to message data mediationExchange.getMessageData().