Identity Provider

The Identity Provider resource template provides access to a username and password credential stored in a keystore.


Property Required? Editable? Accepts SVars? Description
Keystore Provider to Supply Identity Y Y N Name of a Keystore Provider resource that maintains a keystore used to assert an identity.
Enable Access to Credential Store Containing Identity (optional) N N N Enables access to an identity keystore. To establish SSL connections, certain third-party systems such as MySQL require access to a keystore file location. In such situations Administrator provides a copy of credentials in a keystore, which are then written to disk and used by the third party as the SSL credential store. To prevent Administrator from providing credentials, uncheck the checkbox.

Default: Unchecked.

Key Alias to Access Identity Y Y N Name of the alias used to access the identity.
Key Alias Password Y Y N Password for the alias.

(Administrator only) For superusers, passwords display encrypted. For non-superusers, the password doesn't display even if it was set when it was created. If you have permission to edit the password, you can specify a new value and save. If you edit other fields, the old value for the password field is retained. If you want to set an empty value as password, click the link Set Blank Password.