Deploying Applications

You can deploy an application from the GUI for from the CLI. The GUI allows you to deploy with or without starting the application. You can also select other deploy options.

ActiveMatrix components and bindings depend on functionality provided by ActiveMatrix product applications. The ActiveMatrix platform product application installed on every node supports:
  • Spring
  • Components
  • SOAP and JMS Bindings

Before deploying an application containing any other type of component or binding on a node, an instance of the product application template that supports that component or binding must be deployed on that node. For Mediation components, the product application name is TIBCO ActiveMatrix Mediation Implementation Type Application and the product application template name is TIBCO ActiveMatrix Mediation Implementation Type Application Template. For all other component and binding types, see the documentation for the component and binding type for whether a product application is needed and for the name of the required product application template.

The required driver must be provisioned using TCT before deploying the application.



  1. Click the Applications button.
  2. In the Applications list, click one or more applications.
  3. Choose a deploy option.
    Option Procedure
    Deploy Deploy with Start

    Dependencies on target product applications are checked.

    1. Do one of the following:
      • Click Deploy.
      • Select DeployDeploy with Start.
    2. If the applications depend on undeployed target product applications, the Deployment Application Dependencies dialog displays.
    3. Check the checkboxes next to the target applications to deploy.
    Deploy without Start

    Dependencies on target product applications are checked.

    1. Select DeployDeploy without Start
    2. If the applications depend on undeployed target product applications, the Deployment Application Dependencies dialog displays.
    3. Check the checkboxes next to the target applications to deploy.
    More Deploy Options
    1. Select DeployMore deploy options
    2. Check the checkboxes for one or more of the following options
      • Start Applications - Dependencies on target applications are checked.
      • Resolve Mode - Dependencies on target product applications are checked.

        Deploys the selected applications on the nodes, restarts the nodes, and causes all applications deployed on the nodes to use the latest versions of the features on which they depend. Use this operation to deploy an application with a new version of an existing feature, to force applications that reference the existing feature to use the new version, or if after clicking Deploy you get an error that says that because the node is running in stable mode, it cannot accept the deployment of the application.

      • Force Deploy - Dependencies on target product applications are not checked and validation errors ignored. May result in broken applications and should be used with caution.
    3. Click Deploy to deploy the application or Cancel to cancel the deployment.


The applications are deployed and if auto-provisioning is enabled, those applications that provide implementation or binding types to the applications being deployed are also automatically deployed to the target nodes.



  1. In the data file, specify Environment and Application elements in base format. Drivers required for the application resource instances can be specified inside the <Application> element in the data.xml file.
    <Environment xsi:type="amxdata:Environment" name="envName" >
     <Application xsi:type="amxdata:Application" name="test.app1" contact="TIBCO Inc." description="Test application with imported resource template which requires a driver feature" importResourceTemplates="true" resourceTemplatesScope="Application">
                <Node name="${}" environmentName="${}"/>
                <ApplicationTemplate xsi:type="amxdata_reference:ApplicationTemplate_reference" name="AppTemplate"/>
    			<!-- Specify the resource template in the DAA and the required driver feature. -->
    			<Driver resourceTemplateName="OracleResourceTemplate" driverFeatureName="" driverFeatureVersion=""/>
  2. In the build file, set the action attribute of the AMXAdminTask element set to deploy and the objectSelector attribute to Environment/Application. To deploy without starting the application, specify the options attribute and set the value to nostart.
    <target name="">
  3. Invoke the command-line interface on the build file.
    • The application is deployed and started.
    • If the application is a dependent application and its target application has been deployed, the application is deployed and started. If the target application is not deployed, the deployment will fail.
    • If an application is a target application, it and all its dependent applications are deployed and started.