Creating a Node

You can create a node from the GUI or by using the CLI.


You create a node in an environment and associate it with a host within the environment.


  1. Choose a starting point and follow the appropriate procedure.
    Starting Point Procedure
    1. Select Infrastructure > Environments.
    2. Select an environment and click the Configuration tab and click Nodes.
    3. Click the Add button.
    1. Select Infrastructure > Hosts.
    2. Select an environment and click the Configuration tab and click Nodes.
    3. Click the Add button.
    1. Select Infrastructure > Nodes.
    2. Click the New button.
    The New Node dialog displays.
  2. In the Name field, type a name.
  3. If you have not started from a host, choose a host.
    • Select a host from the Host drop-down list.
      Note: Only hosts associated with the environment are visible. If there are unavailable hosts, they can be viewed by clicking the Unavailable hosts link.
    • Click add host.

      The Add Host dialog overlays the New Host dialog allowing you to bind to a host.

  4. Optionally add one or more of the features available to the Administrator server.
    Note: In most cases you can skip this step since Administrator will automatically add features to a node when required -- for example, deploying an application or installing a resource instance. In rare cases, you may have to add features to a node explicitly if the features is from the shared library. The explicit addition of features to a node can be done during and after node creation, and during installation of application or application running.
  5. Click Save.
    The node is added to the Nodes list with a Runtime State of Not installed.



  1. In the data file, specify a Node element in full format.
    <Node xsi:type="amxdata:Node" name="DevNode" hostName="SystemHost" 
    contact="TIBCO" portNumber="5006">
  2. In the AMXAdminTask element, set the action attribute to add and the objectSelector attribute to Environment/Node.
    <AMXAdminTask action="add" objectSelector="Environment/Node"	/>