Endpoint References

An endpoint reference conveys the information needed to identify a Web service endpoint, but are also used to provide addresses for individual messages sent to and from Web services. An endpoint reference contains an address (a URI), reference parameters, and metadata.

For details on endpoint references, refer to the WS-Addressing Core Specification. For information on WS-Addressing, see Composite Development.


The schema of an endpoint reference is described in Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core: Endpoint Reference XML Infoset Representation.


The only required element of an endpoint reference is the address; the other elements are optional. Thus, the simplest endpoint reference is a URI:
The supported URI formats are listed in the following table:
Supported URI Formats
Binding Type URI Format
Virtualization urn:amx:environmentName/applicationName#service(serviceName) where serviceName is the name of the target service, applicationName is the name of the application that contains the target service, and environmentName. is the name of the ActiveMatrix environment that contains the application.
SOAP/HTTP scheme://hostname:port/filespec/
SOAP/JMS jms:queue:queueName, where queueName is the name of the JMS queue to which messages are sent.

Reference Parameters

A reference parameter is associated with an endpoint to facilitate a particular interaction. The binding of reference parameters to messages depends upon the protocol binding used to interact with the endpoint. Web Services Addressing 1.0 - SOAP Binding describes the default binding for the SOAP protocol.


Endpoint reference metadata describes the behavior, policies, and capabilities of the endpoint. Metadata may be included in an endpoint reference to facilitate easier processing by a user of an endpoint reference, or because the metadata was dynamically generated.

