Adding Context Parameters

Context parameters can be configured at a mediation interface level, target interface level, or for an operation contained in the interfaces. Parameters added at the interface level are available for use by all the containing operations. Parameters added at the operation level can be used by those operations only.

Context parameters for the Mediation and Target interfaces are independent of each other. The Set Context mediation task is used to map values of the defined context parameters.


  1. Choose the interface or operation.
  2. Select the General tab from the Properties view.
    The Operation Context Parameters table is initially empty.
  3. Click the button located on the right side of the table.
  4. Specify the parameter properties:
    • Name: Name of the parameter.
    • Direction: Choose between Input, Output, and Fault.
    • Type: Choose between Basic, Message, Bag, Mediation.
    • Definition: This is the definition mechanism.
    If you chose Mediation as the context parameter type, the available definitions are Security Context, Endpoint Reference, and Request Message Context.

    If the Direction is Fault and the Type is Mediation, the Definition mechanism is set to Undeclared Fault Context. See Undeclared Fault Headers.

    The context parameter is added to the chosen interface or operation.