Creating a Debug Configuration


  1. Select Run > Debug Configurations.
    The Debug Configurations dialog displays.
  2. Double-click Remote Composite Application.
    A new debug configuration named New_configuration is created and opened in the configuration editor.
  3. In the Name field, type a configuration name.
  4. In the Remote Applications tab click Add....
    Note: The available applications are imported from the Administrator server when you connect to the server. If you create applications after you connect, they will not appear in the dialog. To load the current applications, click Refresh before you click Add.
    1. Click the server that manages the application to be debugged and click Next >.
    2. Click one or more applications and click Finish.
  5. Click the Common tab.
  6. In the Display in favorites menu, check the Debug checkbox.
  7. Click Apply and Close.
    The configuration is saved and added to the Debug menu options.