Deleting a Folder

You can delete a folder from the GUI or by using the CLI. When you delete a folder, any subfolders and undeployed applications are deleted. If the folder contains any deployed application, the folder is not deleted.



  1. Click Applications.
  2. Select an environment from the Environment drop-down list.
  3. In Applications list, select an application folder and click Delete.
  4. Click OK.



  1. In the data file, specify an ApplicationFolder element in full format.
    <Environment xsi:type="amxdata:Environment" name="MyEnvironment" description="My environment">
               <ApplicationFolder xsi:type="amxdata:ApplicationFolder" name="MyFolder">
  2. In the build file set the action attribute of the AMXAdminTask element to delete and the objectSelector attribute to Environment/Application.
    <AMXAdminTask action="delete" objectSelector="Environment/ApplicationFolder" />
  3. Invoke the command-line interface on the build file.