Importing the Business Process


  1. Start Studio for Designers.
    Note: Following this tutorial will be simpler and clearer if you close any other projects that you may have open in your TIBCO Business Studio workspace, using the Project > Close Project menu option.
  2. To import the FindAddress project into your workspace, find the file in the location where you installed TIBCO Business Studio (for example, STUDIO_HOME\studio\3.n\samples).
  3. In TIBCO Business Studio, choose File > Import. The Import wizard is displayed.
  4. On the Select page, expand General, select Existing Studio Projects into Workspace and click Next. The Import Projects page is displayed.
  5. Click Select archive file, and click on the Browse button.
  6. Browse to the zip file and click Open. The project is displayed in the Import wizard.
  7. Click Finish. TIBCO Business Studio imports the FindAddress project to your workspace. The project contains processes:


Process Description
GetAddress (business service / pageflow process) This is a business service which, when started by a user:
  • Displays a form to get the user’s country and postal code.
  • Invokes the FindAddress business process, passing the country and postal code as input parameters.
FindAddress (business process) This is a business process which, when invoked by the GetAddress business service:
  • Sends the received country and postal code to a remote web service that provides an address lookup function.
  • Gets the address details back from the web service.
  • Offers a user task to a member of the Customer Services Representatives (Motor) position. The work item displays the customer’s full address details.

    Note: Although this tutorial project uses a business service to collect the data used as input to the web service, this is simply a convenience to make it easy to run and test the application.