How to Analyze Your BPM Data Using TIBCO Spotfire

The BPM Spotfire template visualizations illustrate a typical use case scenario for a bank. Typically, a bank wants information about its current operation.

For example, current work and how to prioritize and organize resources. Secondly, a bank wants to know its performance over time. For example, how do processes perform end to end and how much time is spent on each task. This, in turn, helps the bank to address issues such as what activities are taking the most time and how can that time be shortened.

The BPM Spotfire templates help to visualize this information. Therefore, the BPM Spotfire Templates are divided into two categories:


  • Operational Monitoring - This visualization allows you to select a process, a task within that process, and its priority and then view how long it has been outstanding, whether there are any approaching SLAs (service level agreements), what resources are working on it.
  • Operational Summary - This visualization displays a summary of all tasks from all processes. It shows the outstanding tasks, their average duration and their first SLA.


There are three visualizations in this category:

  • Performance Tasks - This template allows you to select a task and then displays:
    • a summary of its duration. For example,
    • a summary of its execution by resource and priority.
  • Performance Resources - This template allows you to select one or more resources and a time period. It then displays what tasks those resources has been working on and the duration of those tasks.
  • Process Analysis - This template allows you to select a process. It then displays how many process instances there have been for that process and their duration.

Depending on your requirements, you may want to use the visualizations as they are or isolate the data further by coloring different segments, or creating filters and so on. This tutorial shows you how to modify the visualizations so you can compare the data in new ways.

Before starting this tutorial, you must have completed the Pre-Requisites.

This tutorial shows you how to re-analyze the data in each visualization, depending on your requirements. You can:

  • add a new column selector
  • create filters
  • mark the data


  1. From TIBCO Spotfire, open TIBCO AMX BPM Template Embedded.dxp file.
  2. Click Operational Monitoring - Stock Analysis.
  3. Select Insurance Claims. The process is green when it is selected.
  4. Select a task. The insight charts are populated.
  5. From the Filter Panel, under task_priority, deselect all the check boxes, except for Urgent. The visualizations only show the analysis for urgent work items.
  6. Click Performance - Resources.
  7. Right-click the column selector next to user_id in the first bar-chart. The list of available columns that you can add to the bar chart is displayed.
  8. Select org_ent_names.

    The bar chart is now divided into colored segments according to organization entity names rather than user_id.

  9. Click the Operational Monitoring - Summary tab.
  10. From the Summary of Tasks chart, select an activity name. This section is now marked. In the table below the task details for that activity are highlighted. This enables you to easily identify the task details for the selected activity.


You have now completed this tutorial. You should now be familiar with the basic steps required:

  • to display BPM visualizations in TIBCO Spotfire.
  • to re-analyze BPM visualizations.