Setting up Data Inputs to and Outputs from the Database

Each input and output parameter defined in a SQL query must be mapped to a corresponding data field or formal parameter in the process.

Note: You must ensure that the data type of the process data field or parameter matches the data type of the database parameter it is being mapped to.

TIBCO Business Studio does not validate this.


  1. On the Properties view for the Get login name task, Interface tab, note that the QueryName formal parameter has been defined (during the analysis phase) as the input to the database call.

    On the Database tab, click to add a parameter to the service call.

    Note that the Type field is (IN). This defines the parameter as an input parameter to the database.

    In the Data Field field, click . The Select Data Field or Formal Parameter dialog is displayed.

  2. Select QueryName and click OK. QueryName is mapped to the Parameter 1 database input parameter.

    Click again to add a second parameter to the service call.

  3. Change the Type field to OUT. This defines the parameter as an output parameter from the database.

    In the Data Field field, click . The Select Data Field or Formal Parameter dialog is displayed.

  4. Select the ResultSet data field and click OK. The ResultSet field is mapped to the Parameter 2 database input parameter.

    When the service call executes, the value of the QueryName data field will be sent to the database, and the result set returned by the database will be stored in the ResultSet field.

    Note: The icon to the right of the ResultSet data field indicates that ResultSet is an external reference to a business object model class. If you want to examine this class, click to open the class in the Business Object Model editor
  5. Save the project.