Adding a Route Mediation Task

To associate the LookUpAddress operation from the Mediation Interface with the target operation you need to perform some steps.


  1. Select the LookUpAddress operation from the Mediation Interface.
  2. Drag and drop a Route mediation task from the palette to the Mediation Path.
  3. Open the Properties > Decision tab of the Route task.
    1. Click on Case 1 rule case and rename it to USA.
    2. Click the Add rule variable icon on the tool bar in the Decision tab and specify country for the Variable Name and accept the String Type.
    3. Select the country variable for the USA rule case and choose the "=" comparison operator from the dropdown.

    4. Assign the string USA by typing it between the two single quotes that appear after the operator.

    5. To assign the target operation that invokes when this rule is satisfied, select the USA rule case. Click in the Target Service/ Operation column and choose the AddressServicePortType/LookupAddress from the drop-down list.
    6. Add another rule case, click the Add rule case icon and rename it UK.
    7. Select the country variable for the UK rule case and choose the "=" comparison operator and assign the string UK between the single quotes.
    8. To assign the target operation that invokes when this rule is satisfied, select the UK rule case. Click in the Target Service/ Operation column and choose the AddressServicePortType1/LookupAddress from the drop-down list.

  4. Open the Input tab of the Route task and expand the MessageData tree, so that all the elements are visible.
  5. Click the country element and then drag and drop to map it to the country rule.
  6. Save the project.