Viewing and Editing Resource Capabilities for a Single Resource

This procedure shows how to view or edit capabilities for a single resource.


  1. Display the list of resources that contains the resource whose capabilities you want to view or edit.

    You can do this by either displaying the resources in an LDAP container (see Viewing the Resources in a Container), or the resources already mapped to a position or group (see Viewing Resources Mapped to a Position or Group).

  2. Select the desired resource.
    Select only a BPM resource (a resource that has a icon next to the resource name); candidate resources cannot have capabilities assigned to them.
  3. Click the Details tab in the right pane.
  4. Click the Capabilities header.
    The capabilities held by the resource are displayed. Note that the number shown to the right of the header indicates the number of capabilities currently assigned to the resource.

    If a qualifier was defined for the capability, it is shown in the Qualifying Value column. This value can be used by a process to make a business decision.

  5. To assign a capability to the resource, or to edit a capability already assigned to the resource, click the Edit link in the Qualifying Value column.
    All of the capabilities that are defined in the organization model are listed.
  6. Assign the desired capabilities.

    The Qualifying Value column provides various methods of specifying a capability and possible qualifying value: check boxes, date and time pickers, lists from which you can select one or more values, and fields in which you enter a value.

    You can also un-assign a capability by clicking the X to the right of the desired capability. Note that this actually deletes the capability item from the display, but it reappears if you edit the resource's capabilities at a later time.

    Note: Both capabilities and resource attributes can be edited in a single session, that is, without saving in-between editing those two items. While you are editing capabilities and resource attributes, you can revert to the previous settings for each of those using the Reset Capabilities or Reset Attributes selections on the Actions menu. These allow you to reset one, but not the other. You can also use the Actions > Reset All selection to reset both capabilities and resource attributes to their previous settings.
  7. After you have made the desired changes to the resource's capabilities, click Save (or also edit the resource's attributes, if desired, as described in the note above, then click Save).
  8. Click the Capabilities header again to collapse the list of capabilities.