Query Parameter Operators

Specific operators can be used in the WHERE clause.

Note that the attribute and value operands must both be of the same data type.

Unless otherwise noted, each operator can be applied to all data types (Text, Numeric, Boolean and DateTime)

Operator Description Examples
= Equals - compares two values for equality.

Wildcards can be used when comparing attributes of type string. See Using Wildcards .

INSTANCE.NAME = ‘LoanApproval’


IsLoanApproved = TRUE

INSTANCE.COMPLETION_DATE = TS '2008-06-20T10:30:20'

<> Not equal to INSTANCE.PRIORITY <> 3
> Greater than INSTANCE. PRIORITY > 5000

Balance > 300.53

< Less than INSTANCE. PRIORITY < 5000
>= Greater than or equal to INSTANCE. PRIORITY >= 5000
<= Less than or equal to INSTANCE. PRIORITY <= 5000
LIKE Pattern match comparison - matches a string value against a pattern string containing wild-card characters. See Using Wildcards .

Applies to Text data types only.

To match any processes with a module name that begins with “module”:

   MODULE.NAME LIKE ‘module%’

To match any processes with a module name that begins with “module number” and ends with a single character):

   MODULE.NAME LIKE ‘module number _’

BETWEEN Range comparison - tests whether a value is between two other values INSTANCE.PRIORITY BETWEEN 4000 AND 5000

INSTANCE.START_DATE between TS '2008-06-20T10:30:20' AND TS '2008-06-20T10:52:20';

IN Implements comparison to a list of values, that is, it tests whether a value matches any value in a list of values.

Applies to Text and Numeric data types only.

MODULE.NAME IN ('moduleBalance’, 'modulePayment');
IS [NOT] NULL Tests whether the attribute has a value MODULE.NAME IS NOT NULL

Payment IS NULL

NOT Inverts the result of a condition clause MODULE.NAME NOT IN ('moduleBalance’, 'modulePayment');