
Allocates one or more work items to specific users.

Use this operation to allocate work items from a list that has been previously populated using getWorklistItems or getWorkListItemsForView.

This operation can only be used on work items that are in a state from which they can be allocated. See Work Item State Transitions.

Required System Actions





Parameter Type Description
idArray Array IDs of the work items to be allocated.
resourceArray Array GUIDS of the users to whom each work item should be allocated.

Each work item specified in an idArray element is allocated to the user specified in the resourceArray element with the matching index number. For example, a work item specified in ids[4] is allocated to the GUID specified in guids[4].

worklistServiceModel WorklistServiceModel object Data model to be used by the service request. The response updates successfully allocated work items in worklistServiceModel.workItems.
callback Function Callback function to handle success or failure results from the request.