Value Spaces for BOM Native Types

The value space of the different BOM Native Types is shown in the following table.

Value Spaces for BOM Native Types
BOM Native Type Value Space
Attachment N/A
Boolean true, false
Date Year in range [-999,999,999 – 999,99,999]

Month in range [1 – 12]

Day in range [1 - 31] (dependent on month & year)

For example: "2011-12-31"

Datetime Date fields according to Date type above

Time fields according to Time type below

Optional timezone offset in range [-14:00 - +14:00 or Z for Zero offset]

For example: "2011-12-31T23:59:59" or "2011-12-31T23:59:59-05:00"

Datetimetz Date and Time fields according to Datetime type above, but timezone is mandatory

For example: "2011-12-31T23:59:59Z" or "2011-12-31T23:59:59+05:00"

Decimal – Fixed Point An arbitrarily long integer number with the which has its decimal point moved to the left or right by up to 231 places.

For example: 1234567890.1234567890

Decimal – Floating Point
  • Negative numbers between -1.79769E+308 and -2.225E-307
  • 0
  • Positive values between 2.225E-307 and 1.79769E+308.

    For example: 1.23

Duration A duration consists of year, month, day, hour, minute, second and sign attributes. The first 5 fields are non-negative integers, or they can be null if not set. That is, they can have values in the range [0 - 2,147,483,647]. The seconds field is a non-negative decimal (or null) in the range [0 - 1.79769E+308] although it is fetched from the object as an integer and the sign can be "+" or "-".

For example: P3DT2H for 3 days and 2 hours

ID Non-colonized name. Starts with a letter or "_", and may be followed by more letters, numbers, "_", "-", ".", or combinations of characters and extenders. See for more details.

For example: ID1234

Integer – Fixed Length Arbitrarily large length integer

For example: 12345678901234567890

Integer – Signed Integers in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

For example: 123456789

Object – xsd:any A block of XML satisfying xsd:anySimpleType schema definition. See This can also be given the value of a Business Object.
Object - xsd:anyAttribute A block of XML satisfying xsd:anyAttribute schema definition. See
Object - xsd:anySimpleType A block of XML satisfying xsd:anySimpleType schema definition See This can also be given the value of a BOM Primitive
Object - xsd:anyType A block of XML satisfying xsd:anyType schema definition See This can also be given the value of a Business Object or the value of a BOM Primitive.
Text Arbitrary length of long text string of Unicode characters

For example: Fred Blogs

Time Hour in range [0 – 24] (for value 24 minutes and seconds must be 0)

Minute in range [0 – 59]

Second in range [0 – 60] (NB 60 only allowed for a leap second)

For example: 12:34:56

URI Refers to xsd:anyURI. See World Wide Web Consortium, XML Linking Language (XLink) available at:

For example: