Keys for Implicit Validation Messages

This section lists the resource keys for implicit validation messages.

These messages are used when validations are automatically generated based on the underlying BOM specification of the value. In all these messages, the value {0} is substituted with the label of the control that fails the validation.

Implicit Validation Messages
Resource Key Reference Value Description
validation_date_format ''{0}'' is incompatible with ISO format 'yyyy-MM-dd' Used when the target value must be a proper ISO 8601 formatted date. See .
validation_time_format ''{0}'' is incompatible with ISO format 'HH:mm:ssZ' Used when the target value must be a proper ISO 8601 formatted time. See .
validation_datetime_​format ''{0}'' is incompatible with ISO format 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ' Used when the target value must be a proper ISO 8601 date-time value. See .
validation_decimal_​fixed_point ''{0}'' must be a fixed point decimal number with no more than {1} digits and {2} decimal places Used for BOM attributes and process data fields that are configured as fixed point decimal numbers in the Resources tab of the BOM editor.
validation_decimal_​floating_point ''{0}'' must be a floating point decimal number Used for BOM attributes that are configured as floating point decimal numbers in the Resources tab of the BOM editor.
validation_integer_length ''{0}'' must be an integer with no more than {1} digits Used to specify a length constraint on the number of digits of Integer type BOM attributes and process data fields.
validation_integer ''{0}'' must be an integer. Used for BOM attributes and process data fields of the Integer type.
validation_text_length ''{0}'' must be a value with no more than {1} characters Used for BOM attributes of the Text type that have a length constraint.
validation_lower_​limit_inclusive ''{0}'' must be a number greater than or equal to {1} Used for numbers that have a lower limit specified (including the limit value).
validation_lower_limit ''{0}'' must be a number greater than {1} Used for numbers that have a lower limit specified (excluding the limit value).
validation_upper_​limit_inclusive ''{0}'' must be a number less than or equal to {1} Used for numbers that have an upper limit specified (including the limit value).
validation_upper_limit ''{0}'' must be a number less than {1} Used for numbers that have an upper limit specified (excluding the limit value).
validation_multiplicity_​maximum ''{0}'' must contain at most {1} values Used when an upper limit is specified for child multiplicity.

For example: 0..5

validation_multiplicity_exact ''{0}'' must contain exactly {1} values Used when an exact number is specified for child multiplicity, and the number is greater than 1.

For example: 3

validation_multiplicity_minimum ''{0}'' must contain at least {1} value(s) Used when only lower limit is specified for child multiplicity, without an upper limit.

For example: 1..* or 3..*

validation_multiplicity_range ''{0}'' must contain between {1} and {2} values Used when an exact multiplicity range is specified with both a lower and an upper limit. Both the numbers must be non-zero and the upper limit must be greater than the lower limit.

For example: 1..5 or 2..4

validation_numeric ''{0}'' must be a number Used for BOM attributes and process data fields of the Integer or Decimal type.
validation_pattern ''{0}'' has the wrong format for the ''{1}'' data type Used for BOM attributes of the Text type that specify a regular expression constraint pattern.
validation_null_​global_data_ref Error in server data: The value for the parameter ''{0}'' contains an invalid global data object reference Used when the initial data sent from the server is invalid and cannot be corrected within the form. This is typically reported when there are references to global data that have been deleted.

Users can still submit or close the form. The respective parameter value cannot be modified in the form. The bound components are disabled and any attempt to update them using the API causes an error.