SOAP API - updateDBScripts

The table summarizes the SOAP API - updateDBScripts.

Request Uses the UpdateDBScriptsRequest element (from the BusinessDataServicesAdminService schema)
Parameter notes
  • caseModelID. The unique identifier of the case model. This can be obtained by running SOAP API - getCaseModel or getCaseModelBasicInfo .
  • createScript. The updated CREATE script.
  • updateScript. The updated UPDATE script.
  • dropScript. The updated DROP script.
  • operationDetails. This includes:
    • userOperation. Set to true if the operation was performed by a user. If it is unset, TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM assumes it is a user operation.
    • username. The username of the user who performed the operation. For example, tibco-admin.
    • comment. Description of why the operation was performed.
    • timeOfOperation. When the operation was conducted. If this is not set when performing an operation, the current time is recorded.
Response Returns an UpdateDBScriptsResponse element (from the BusinessDataServicesAdminService schema)
Example Request:
<updateScript>---------------------------------------- TIBCO HEADER ----------------------------------------
-- BOM Name           :
-- BOM Namespace      : com.example.claimbom
-- Namespace Tag      : CLAIMBOM
-- BOM Major Version  : 1
-- Table Mappings     : (BOM Class -> DB Table)
--    com.example.claimbom.Claim                         BDS_1_CLAIMBOM_CLAIM
--    com.example.claimbom.Person                        BDS_1_CLAIMBOM_PERSON
--    com.example.claimbom.Policy                        BDS_1_CLAIMBOM_POLICY
--    com.example.claimbom.Claimant                      BDS_1_CLAIMBOM_CLAIMANT
--    com.example.claimbom.IncidentDetails               BDS_1_CLAIMBOM_INCIDENTDETAILS
--    com.example.claimbom.CustomerNotes                 BDS_1_CLAIMBOM_CUSTOMERNOTES
alter table [BDS_1_CLAIMBOM_CLAIM] add [ATTRIBUTE1] nvarchar(400);</updateScript>
         <operationDetails >
      <UpdateDBScriptsResponse xmlns=""/>