SOAP API - updateBusinessService

The table summarizes the SOAP API - updateBusinessService.

Request Uses the updateBusinessService element (from the BusinessService schema)
Parameter notes
  • process reference id: ID returned when you start a business service. You can obtain the value from the response returned by startBusinessService.
  • activityId: the activity ID returned when you start a business service. You can obtain the value from the response returned by startBusinessService.
  • If the data payload contains ComplexSpec parameters, you can view their structure in TIBCO Business Studio. There is no API to determine the structure. To view the structure in TIBCO Business Studio, you must export the XML schema, which shows the structure to which the data must conform. For information, see Obtaining Information from TIBCO Business Studio.
  • If your process has mandatory parameters, ensure that you provide valid values for all these parameters.
Response Returns an updateBusinessServiceResponse element (from the BusinessService schema)
Example Request:
            <activityReference activityId="pvm:001g1s.3"/>
         <pageFields payloadMode="XML">
                     <inouts array="false" name="UserName" optional="true" type="String">
                     <inouts array="false" name="PhoneNumber" optional="true" type="String">
      <updateBusinessServiceResponse xmlns="">
         <pageResponse executionState="COMPLETED" xmlns="">
               <pageFlowTemplate hasFormalParameters="false" moduleName="/PageflowSolution/Process Packages/ProcessPackage.xpdl" processName="RequestCall" version=""/>
               <payload payloadMode="XML">
                  <XmlPayload xmlns:bus="" xmlns:soapenv="">
                     <inouts array="false" name="UserName" optional="true" type="String">
                     <inouts array="false" name="PhoneNumber" optional="true" type="String">