ActiveMatrix Monitoring Service Application

The ActiveMatrix Monitoring Service application provides the Service Microagent with access to, or notification of service execution statistics.

The Monitoring Service application provides some configuration capabilities, which can be set in either the TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator, or the ActiveMatrix Service Microagent.

Monitoring Configuration

The monitoring configuration offered by the Monitoring Service application enables the configuration of a rolling window for statistics collection.

The maximum length of a rolling window is five minutes, but this is configurable.

The configuration properties are as follows:

Rolling Window Length
 Length of rolling window (in seconds, up to 5 minutes)
Statistics Gathering Interval
Length of a bucket (in seconds)
Notification Interval
 Rate at which statistics data is published (via notification)
Is Partial Window
 Whether to include the current statistics data (incomplete bucket) in notifications.

For example, the configuration settings to produce the following diagram would be:

  • Rolling Window Length = 300
  • Statistics Gathering Interval = 30
  • Notification Interval = 60
  • Is Partial Window = false
5 Minute Rolling Window (10 Buckets)

Common Logging Event Publisher Microagent

This microagent publishes events from TIBCO Hawk using the TIBCO Common Logging in the Base Event Format (BEF)/Common Base Event (CBE).