Compiling Your Web Application Project

Once you have finished developing your web application project, you must compile it.You must compile your project before you export it to a Distributed Application Archive (DAA). The project is not automatically compiled when you export it as a DAA.


  1. From TIBCO Business Studio, click . The Web Application menu displays.
  2. Click GWT Compile Project.
  3. Complete the GWT Compile dialog as follows:
    Field Description
    Project Click Browse to browse to the project you want to compile.
    Compiler & Shell
    • Select the log level you require from the drop-down list.
    • Select the output style you prefer from the drop-down list.
    Entry Point Modules Click Add or Remove to configure the entry point modules you require.
    Advanced Click the down arrow to display the advanced options:
    • Enter any additional compiler arguments in the Additional Compiler Arguments box.
    • Enter any VM arguments in the VM Arguments box.
  4. Click Compile. You can view the progress messages in the Console tab.