Starting Business Services

All of the custom menu items and toolbar buttons call the customStartBusinessService function in the AppMain.js file.

This file is located as follows:


The customStartBusinessService function displays a new maximized dialog with a list for selecting a business service. The contents of the list varies, depending on the button that was selected. Comments in the function describe how the list is retrieved from the server, and how it is filtered based on a parameter for the function.

When the user selects a business service in the list, the customStartBusinessServiceSelected function in AppMain.js is called.

The customStartBusinessServiceSelected function removes the list from the dialog and starts the selected business service using the same dialog as the parent container. It also subscribes to an event that is fired each time a form or a user task is completed in the business service. This calls the closeFormDialog function, which verifies whether this is the final form to be displayed, and if so, closes the dialog.