Replaying the Graphical Audit Trail

You can replay a graphical audit trail, task by task. The sequence of tasks that make up the audit trail are displayed in the order they were processed in the top pane. At the same time, in the audit trail pane below, the corresponding event is highlighted.


  1. From the Audit tab, click The icon is a white circle. In the middle is a blue arrow pointing to the right..The audit trail of the process is displayed, step by step.
  2. You can pause the display at any time by clicking The icon is a white circle. In the middle are two short grey vertical lines..
  3. To resume the display, click The icon is a white circle. In the middle is a blue arrow pointing to the right. again.
  4. If you have any subprocesses in your process template, they are consolidated, as shown below. You can display the audit trail for an individual iteration of the subprocess.
    The dialog shows an example of an embedded subprocess.
    Note: Sometimes, due to event types not matching, Openspace will draw the loops as separate instances. The result shows the correct audit but the loop iterations are not consolidated.
    1. Select the iteration you want to view. The icon is a circular grey arrow. means that the subprocess is a loop.
    2. Click The icon is a grey dialog, overlapped by a white dialog. to maximise the subprocess.
    3. Click The icon is a white circle. In the middle is a short grey vertical line. Beside the line is a grey arrow pointing display the audit trail of the first iteration.
    4. ClickThe icon is a white circle. In the circle is a grey arrow pointing right. Beside the arrow is a short grey vertical line. to display the audit trail of the last iteration.
    5. Click The icon is a white circle. In the middle is a grey arrow pointing to the left.or The icon is a white circle. In the middle is a grey arrow pointing display the audit trail for the previous or next iteration of the sub-process.