
This table lists the WorkItem attributes and methods provided.

Attribute / Method Comments
cancel : Boolean Cancels an API that exists in BRM.
description : Text The description of the work item.
priority : Integer The specified priority of the work item.
getId() : Integer Returns the work item’s unique ID.
getVersion() : Integer Returns the version number of the work item.
getWorkItemResource() : EntityDetail Returns a resource that has this work item. It contains all the organizational entities whose work list currently contains this work item.
getWorkItemOffers() : List<EntityDetail> Returns a work item resource object for the work item. If the item was originally offered to more than one organizational entity and is now allocated, this will contain all the entities to which the item was originally offered.
getContext() : ItemContext Returns the work item's context information and provides read only methods to access the following information:
  • activity ID
  • activity name
  • application name
  • application instance
  • application ID
  • application instance description
getSchedule() : ItemSchedule Returns the work item's schedule information and provides read only methods to access the start date and target date.
workItemAttributes.attribute1: Integer These work item attributes (attribute1 and the others listed below) can be used to contain data associated with a work item and to sort and filter your work list. They are available where the WorkManagerFactory object can be accessed (for example, on a user task schedule script). For example, attribute2 can be used to hold a customer name, and attribute1 a customer reference number to aid work list sort and filter choices.

The attribute1 work item attribute can be assigned integer values in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

workItemAttributes.attribute2: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute3: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute4: Text

Limited to 64 characters in length.

See description above.

workItemAttributes.attribute5: BigDecimal See description above.

This can be assigned Decimal or BigDecimal values.

workItemAttributes.attribute6: DateTime See description above.
workItemAttributes.attribute7: DateTime See description above.
workItemAttributes.attribute8: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute9: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute10: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute11: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute12: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute13: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute14: Text

Limited to a maximum of 20 characters - anything larger will be truncated.

See description above.

workItemAttributes.attribute15: Integer

The attribute15 work item attribute can be assigned integer values in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

workItemAttributes.attribute16: BigDecimal See description above.

This can be assigned Decimal or BigDecimal values.

workItemAttributes.attribute17: BigDecimal See description above.

This can be assigned Decimal or BigDecimal values.

workItemAttributes.attribute18: BigDecimal See description above.

This can be assigned Decimal or BigDecimal values.

workItemAttributes.attribute19: DateTime See description above.
workItemAttributes.attribute20: DateTime See description above.
workItemAttributes.attribute21: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute22: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute23: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute24: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute25: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute26: Text

Limited to a maximum of 20 characters - anything larger will be truncated.

See description above.

workItemAttributes.attribute27: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute28: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute29: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute30: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute31: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute32: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute33: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute34: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute35: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute36: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute37: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute38: Text

Limited to a maximum of 64 characters - anything larger will be truncated.

See description above.

workItemAttributes.attribute39: Text

workItemAttributes.attribute40: Text

Limited to a maximum of 255 characters - anything larger will be truncated.

See description above.

getActivityId() : Text  
getActivityName() : Text  
getAppName() : Text  
getAppInstance() : Text  
getAppId() : Text  
getAppInstanceDescription() : Text  
getStartDate() : Datetime  
getTargetDate : Datetime  
Note: When using getWorkItem() or getSchedule(), note that the following will be shown:
  • A null object when there is a null value.
  • An empty object, "", when there is a 0 length value.