Drilling Down to Find the Current Status of a Particular Claim

You can filter the data shown in the Claim Breakdown dashboard according to your requirements, show the top 5 highest claims for the selected data, then view the current status of the process associated with one of those claims. If necessary, you can also raise the priority of that process.


You must use the Openspace gadget version of the Claim Breakdown dashboard. This functionality is not available from the standalone version.


  1. Login to Openspace as the Front Desk team leader, Richard Cresswell (password "tibco123").
  2. Filter the report data as you choose. For example, you may choose to show just Very High Value claims in New York.
  3. When you have the data you want, click Details.
    The Claim Hot List is displayed.
  4. On the Top 5 Highest Claims report, click in the View Audit column for one of the displayed claims.
    A Claim Status for ID:claimID report is displayed, showing:
    • the process ID of the ClaimsProcess process instance associated with this claim.
    • the current task, who (if anybody) owns it, and its status.
    • the task's priority - which you can, if you wish, raise by clicking in the Raise Priority column of the report.

    See Displaying Process Status (Statistical Data) for a Particular Claim (Case Data) for more information about how this functionality is implemented by the Claim Breakdown dashboard.