
Start a business action and render its form in a specified container element.

Required System Actions





Parameter Type Description
StartBusinessActionServiceModel StartBusinessActionServiceModel object Data model to be used by the service request. The response renders the business action form in the specified StartBusinessActionServiceModel.formDiv element.
callback Function Callback function to handle success results, failure results and events returned by the request.

Callback Function

The callback function of the BPMBusinessActionsService.startBizAction operation supports the following methods:

  • onSuccess: function(result): returns the business action data (in result) if the call succeeds.
  • onFailure: function(exception): returns the exception thrown (in exception) if the call fails.
  • onEvent: function(eventName,bizActionHandler): notifies the calling application of any event that occurs while processing the business action. onEvent takes the following parameters:
    • eventName identifies the event that has occurred. One of the following strings is returned.
      • bs.START
      • bs.FORM_LOAD
      • bs.UPDATE
      • bs.CANCEL
      • bs.COMPLETE
    • BizActionHandler is an object that provides the data for the started business action and the form data for the current page. See BizActionHandler.

For example:

if (BPMBusinessActionsService){
    {onSuccess: function(result){
        onFailure: function(exception){
        onEvent: function(eventName, bizActionHandler){
            console.log("onEvent:"+ eventName);
            // Add any desired event handling code here. You can cancel the
            // processing pageflow and destroy the associated form using 
            // the cancelPageflow method on the bizActionHandlerobject:
            // bizActionHandler.cancelPageflow();