SOAP API - listCategories

The table summarizes SOAP API - listCategories.

Request Uses the listCategories element (from the BusinessService schema)
Parameter notes
  • includeFormalParameters: determines if the response includes categories with formal parameters. By default, response lists the categories without formal parameters (false). When set to true, the response includes all the categories with formal parameters as well.
  • channelId: when specified, only the deployed business services for the specified channel are listed.
  • getTotalCount: total number of categories listed in the response.
  • numberOfItems: maximum number of items (categories) that the response message can contain.
  • startPosition: start position in the list of the first item on the response returned to the user. The list is zero-based. To start at the first item, specify 0.
Response Returns a listCategoriesResponse element (from the BusinessService schema)
Example Request:
      <bus:listCategories getTotalCount="true" numberOfItems="10" startPosition="0">
      <listCategoriesResponse xmlns="">
         <startPosition xmlns="">0</startPosition>
         <totalItems xmlns="">2</totalItems>
         <Category name="WelcomeCustomer" xmlns="">
            <ChildCategory name="WCProcessPackage"/>
         <Category name="WelcomeUsersImplementSolution" xmlns="">
            <ChildCategory name="ProcessPackage"/>