Configuring System Logging

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM uses the logging facilities provided by TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator. This provides you with different types, levels, and formats of logging information depending on your requirements.

See "System Logging" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM - SOA Administration for more information.


Loggers define which component(s) of BPM are being logged and at which level.

By default you are provided with the following loggers:

com.tibco.bx Logging of BPM Applications.
com.tibco.pvm Logging of Process Engine components.
com.tibco.n2 Logging of BPM Work Manager components.
com.tibco.bds Logging of Business Data Services components.
com.tibco.cap Logging for custom client applications developed using Application Development.
com.tibco.repo Logging for the Application Development repository.
com.tibco.common.upgrade Logging for the upgrade utility, which determines if Application Development applications need upgrading.

If you want to get information about document-related activities and CDS (local data), add the following loggers:

com.tibco.bpm Logging of document-related activities
com.tibco.amxbpm Logging of document-related activities
com.tibco.cds Logging of CDS (local data)

You can also further refine logging by adding the following loggers:

com.tibco.repo.messaging Provides information about the messaging system, which is used to communicate across nodes.
com.tibco.repo.locking Provides details about the locking mechanism used within the AppDev repository. When files are updated, they are locked to prevent concurrent updates. This logger gives details about the locks.
com.tibco.repo.api.util Provides detailed information about caching and other internal processes. Provides information about the event subsystem. Provides information about REST API calls.
com.tibco.repo.monitoring Provides information about the monitoring system that provides cleanup and other internal functions.
com.tibco.cap.rad.filters Provides details about the HTTP filters used in the RAD (Rapid Application Development) feature. The filters redirect requests to be handled by the RAD component.
com.tibco.cap.auth Provides details about user authorization messages, and reports about login and logout.
com.tibco.cap.l10n Provides localization-related messages.
Note: The following loggers: com.tibco.cap, com.tibco.repo, com.tibco.common.upgrade, com.tibco.repo.messaging, com.tibco.repo.locking, com.tibco.repo.api.util,,, com.tibco.repo.monitoring, com.tibco.cap.rad.filters, com.tibco.cap.auth, com.tibco.cap.l10n have no effect at application level. They only effect node level.

You can edit the level of logging information you require in TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator.

You can also add new Logger Names.

Logging Appenders

Appenders define where the logging you generate goes.

By default in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM, the BPM components (com.tibco.bx, com.tibco.pvm, com.tibco.n2, and com.tibco.bds) all use a single BPM_ROOT appender that writes to a file called BPM.log. This file is found in:


Logging Formats

Log messages are produced in the BPM internal logging format (called the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Event format -- see Supported JMS Message Format).

Note: Although in TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator, you can create a logging appender that uses the TIBCO Base Event Format (BEF), which is TIBCO’s implementation of the CBE (Common Base Event) format, the format is not supported in ActiveMatrix BPM.

Logging Levels

For each of the loggers that are listed above, you can set the level of logging in TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator. See Configuring Logging Levels.

Action Description
TRACE This is the lowest level of message that you can record. This is the most verbose level and should only be turned on when diagnosing problems. Messages recorded at this level mean the system is running normally and no remedial action is required.
DEBUG Fine-grained informational events used for debugging an application.
INFO Coarse-grained informational messages that highlight the progress of the application.
WARN Messages recorded at this level mean minor potential problems or reduction in system performance. Investigation and rectification of the error is recommended at the first suitable opportunity.
ERROR Messages recorded at this level mean there could be potential data integrity problems, reduction in system performance, or a system component is experiencing a serious problem. Urgent investigation and rectification of the error is required.
FATAL Errors that cause the application to fail.
OFF Turns off logging for the component.