
Operator Description Notes Notes/Examples
= Equal to Can be used to match wildcard characters.

Can be used to test for null - for example, to test for attributes and associations that have not been set.

Can be used with the following BOM types: Text, ID, URI, Date, Time, Datetime, Datetimetz, Duration, Integer, Decimal, Boolean, Enumeration.

name = 'John'
age != 18
!= Not equal to
<> Not equal to
> Greater than Can be used with the following BOM types: Date, Time, Datetime, Datetimetz, Duration, Integer, Decimal.
>= Greater than or equal to
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
BETWEEN Test whether a field is between two values (inclusive). The ',' character can be used instead of 'AND'.

NOT BETWEEN can also be used.

Can be used with the following BOM types: Date, Time, Datetime, Datetimetz, Duration, Integer, Decimal.

quantity between 0 and 20
quantity between 0,20
quantity NOT between 0,20
IN Test if an attribute value matches one of a list of items. If the attribute is a String type, then the values in the IN or NOT IN condition can contain wildcards.

NOT IN can also be used.

Can be used with the following BOM types: Text, ID, URI, Date, Time, Datetime, Datetimetz, Duration, Integer, Decimal, Boolean, Enumeration.

name IN ("Tony", "Clint", "Eric")
TYPE OF Can be used if processing a collection or association that contains a number of different types that come from a class hierarchy. Can be used with the following BOM types: another Class.
orderTakers type of ‘com.example.ordermodel.Employee’