Generating a WSDL and Creating an Operation from your Process Data

Note: Before you generate a WSDL, use the Interface tab to define the data fields (and types) that you want to use to exchange data with the web service - see Defining Input and Output Data .


  1. Select the task or event that you will use to initiate the call to the web service. (This must be either a service task, or a throw intermediate message event, end message event or send task that is configured as a one-way operation.)
  2. On the General tab of the Properties view, click Generate. The Create WSDL for Activity dialog is displayed:
    1. Select the project folder where you want to store the generated WSDL file. The default option is Service Descriptors. (If your process contains multiple service tasks that use generated WSDLs, each task uses its own WSDL.)
    2. Enter a name for the WSDL file. (The default name is ProcessName-TaskName.)
    3. Click Next.
    4. If desired, edit the Target namespace.
    5. Select the WSDL Binding Style that you want to use - either Document Literal (the default option) or RPC Literal.
    6. Select the WSDL Type that you want to generate - either Abstract (the default option) or Concrete.
    7. If you selected Concrete, change the SOAP Address to the URI that will be used to contact the service at runtime, in the format protocol://host:port/path.
      Note: You can use any values for the protocol, host and port components of the address, as these values will be ignored at runtime.

      At runtime, the protocol, host and port components of the address will be supplied from the configuration of the HTTP Client resource template that is referenced by the system participant’s HTTP Client Instance property.

    8. Click Finish.


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