
Lists the resources associated with one or more organization model entities.

  • The request must specify the organization model entities for which the associated resources are required.
  • The response returns the details of the resources associated with the specified organization model entities.

This operation considers an "associated" entity as one in which the resource is a member, or the resource possesses the entity (in the case of privileges and capabilities).

Note that the association is hierarchical:

  • If the entity specified is a group, the result also includes resources associated with sub-groups.
  • If the entity specified is an organization unit, the result also includes resources associated with positions in that organization unit.
  • If the entity specified is a privilege, the result includes resources that have inherited that privilege because of their membership in groups and positions.
  • If the entity specified is a capability, the result includes resources that hold that capability directly. It does not take into consideration the capabilities of groups and positions to which the resource is a member.
Required System Action